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Ilhan Omar: Police are rotten to the root

Ilhan Omar got a softball interview with fake Jake Tapper today on his little watched Sunday “news” show. And as you would expect, Ilhan Omar, the anti-Semite, tax cheat, homewrecker and brother marrier (allegedly), bashed the Minneapolis police. According to Omar, all Minneapolis police are “root to the root”, therefore they must totally disband the police department.

Ilhan Omar: Police are rotten to the root
Ilhan Omar: Police are rotten to the root

TAPPER: You have talked about the dismantling, the need to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department. What takes its place, and — if you could just decree what takes its place? Who investigates crimes? Who arrests criminals? What happens?

OMAR: So, Minneapolis unanimously just voted on a resolution that will engage the community on a one-year process of what happens as we go through the process of dismantling the department and starting anew. A new way forward can’t be put in place if we have a department that is having a crisis of credibility, if we have a department that’s led by a chief who’s suited for racism, if we have a department that hasn’t solved homicide. Half of the homicides in Minneapolis Police Department go unsolved.

There have been cases where they have destroyed rape kits. And so you can’t really reform a department that is rotten to the root. What you can do is rebuild. And so this is our opportunity, you know, as a city, to come together, have the conversation of what public safety looks like, who enforces the most dangerous crimes that take place in our community. And just like San Francisco did, right now, they’re going — they’re moving towards a process where there is a separation of the kind of crimes that solicit the help of officers and the kind of crimes that we should have someone else respond to. And so this is really — this is, again, just the process of going through this together.