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Comrade Warren Wilhelm Jr. (Bill de Blasio) blames murder spike in NYC on his own coronavirus lockdown

Warren Wilhelm Jr. aka Bill de Blasio is not only an idiot and a communist, but a dangerous idiot and a communist. He’s got a new excuse for the murder spike in New York City. No, it’s not white supremacy, like you would think he’d say. Instead, he’s blaming his own coronavirus lockdown on the spike in murders, after an especially bloody 4th of July weekend. You get him for at least 18 more months you idiots in New York City who elected him. You deserve it.

Comrade Warren Wilhelm Jr. (Bill de Blasio) plans murder spike in NYC on his own coronavirus lockdown
Comrade Warren Wilhelm Jr. (Bill de Blasio) plans murder spike in NYC on his own coronavirus lockdown

That cutting of the NYPD’s Anti-crime unit and cutting $1 billion from the NYPD’s budget is really paying dividends.

“I want to talk about what happened this weekend. Many were out there celebrating, but we saw too much violence, and we have a lot of work to do to address it,” de Blasio said, while adding that “there is not one cause for something like this.”

This is directly related to coronavirus,” de Blasio said. “This is a very serious situation… As we’re getting into warmer and warmer weather, we’re feeling the effects of people being cooped up for months, the economy hasn’t restarted – we have a real problem here.”

De Blasio vowed to “double down” to address the violence, which included shootings in Brooklyn, the Bronx and upper Manhattan, noting that it was going to take “neighborhood policing” and cooperation from clergy and elected officials.

“This is all hands on deck,” de Blasio said, while adding that the city has “been dealt a really tough hand.”

“It was the health care crisis in March and April, May we were coming out of it, the warmer months. People are cooped up … they don’t have the normal things to engage their lives,” he explained. “But we’re going to overcome it. It’s going to be tough and take hard work.”