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Listen: NBA forbids jerseys with “Free Hong Kong” to be sold, allows “Kill Cops”

One thing that the coronavirus has taught me. I can live fine without professional sports. I used to be a big sports fan, since I was a kid and a Lakers fan in the NBA. But ever China bot Lebron James came here, I’ve lost interest in the team. Now, it seems the NBA is bowing the black lives matter terrorists by allowing things to be put on jerseys once play resumes. One thing you wouldn’t be seeing is “Free Hong Kong.” In fact, the NBA is so far up Xi and China’s buttox, that they are forbidding the sale of jerseys with “Free Hong Kong” stitched on them.

The NBA is totally cool with jerseys that have “kill cops” though.

Update: Looks like the NBA changed their algorithm to not allow “Kill Cops” anymore.

Listen: NBA forbids jerseys with “Free Hong Kong” to be sold, allows “Kill Cops”
Listen: NBA forbids jerseys with

You can hear the audio of the phone call to the NBA to prove is this legit.

At the time of this post (the story will likely change, you can still create custom jerseys with KILL COPS, KILL (any religious group), F*ck, etc. You just don’t do Free Hong Kong.