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Yahoo gaslighting, encourages people to yell at those who don’t wear masks

It’s almost as if these media hacks have formed some sort of cult over the coronavirus. At first, we were scolded not to wear masks. If you remember back in February, weasel Fauci told people not to wear masks. Fast forward to today and now Yahoo is telling people to yell at each other if they see people not wearing masks. This is getting beyond ridiculous. Basically, Yahoo and the left wing media is trying to stir up violence over face masks now. That’s what we’ve come to. Funny how Yahoo has no comment at the various Black Lives Matter and AntiFA terrorist who continue to riot in some cities nearly two months after George Floyd and mostly don’t wear masks.

Yahoo gaslighting, encourages people to yell at those who don’t wear masks
Yahoo gaslighting, encourages people to yell at those who don't wear masks

Here, the person seems to willfully be endangering those around them, your anger is appropriately ballistic. Just as you’d scream at a driver doing 100 MPH in a school zone, you’re going to scream at the person not wearing a face mask when you’re standing in line because you’re in line with your kids and elderly people.

If you’ve tried the softer approach and hit a wall of willful ignorance or downright anger, get help. If you’re in a store, inform customer service — the on-site manager or another employee should enforce the business’s rules a la “no shirt, no shoes, no service.” As much legal right as the person may have outside the store to flout mask-wearing, inside it’s the store’s right to refuse them.

If a person is blatantly putting others at risk, you’ve tried the above tactics, and you’re not in a business setting, and want to get a message across, go for it. Let loose a salvo of swear words. Sometimes, you just need to yell.