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ChiFi – Diane Fe‌instein praises communist China (after employing C‭hina spy for 20+ years)

ChiFI Diane Feinstein and the communist Democrats really love the communist Chinese. So much so they are praising China and trying their best to emulate the communist Chinese. Now, rich California witch ChiFi Diane Feinstein is praising the communist Chinese (again), even calling them a “respectable nation” or something. Apparently the slave labor in China as well as the treatment of Uighurs doesn’t interest her.

ChiFi – Diane Fe‌instein praises communist China (after employing China spy for 20+ years)
ChiFi - Diane Fe‌instein praises communist China (after employing China spy for 20+ years)

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) praised China on Thursday, saying the country is “growing into a respectable nation” and said the country “has pulled tens of millions of people out of poverty.”

Feinstein’s remarks were made during a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting debate on a bill that would allow individuals to sue the Chinese government for its mishandling and cover-up of COVID-19.

“We hold China as a potential trading partner, as a country that has pulled tens of millions of people out of poverty in a short period of time, and as a country growing into a respectable nation amongst other nations,” Feinstein said. “I deeply believe that.”

Feinstein also said depriving China of foreign sovereign immunity would be a “huge mistake,” insinuating that China should not be held responsible for the spread of the deadly coronavirus, which has taken the lives of more than 150,000 Americans.

The California senator’s remarks were also made amid reports revealing several cases of human rights abuse from the Chinese government.