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Senile Biden claims Trump wrote a bill to defund the police

THe softball interview with ABC ended up revealing a lot about senile communist Joe Biden. Not only would he shut down the economy again using the guise of COVID-19. but he thinks Trump made a bill to defund the police or something. The law and order Trump according to Biden wants to defund the police. Now that’s rich. That’s why all the defund the police communist are Biden Bros.

Biden himself claims he doesn’t want to defund the police, which may be true. But remember, if Biden god forbid wins in November, he will be nothing more than a vessel from the communist left that would defund the police.

Senile Biden claims Trump wrote a bill to defund the police
Senile Biden claims Trump wrote a bill to defund the police

Biden responded, “No I don’t. By the way, he proposes cutting a half a billion dollars out of the local police support.”

He also stated that there should be “national standards” for all police departments in the United States. And “I don’t want to defund police departments. I think they need more help, they need more assistance.”

Biden also said that “the only guy to actually put in a bill to actually defund the police is Donald Trump.”