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Reparations? California looters loot homes vacant because of wildfire evacuations, fire fighter’s wallet stolen account drained – national media silent

Hey maybe this will be considered reparations too. I mean, Black Lives Matter says all the stuff that’s looted is insured or whatever, so it’s payback and reparations. I wonder how the fire fighter who is battling the lighting started wildfires in Northern California felt when his wallet was stolen and his bank account was drained. Do Biden Bros and Democrats consider this a part of reparations? As usual, the national media is silent about the robbing of a firefighter and the looting of homes in Santa Cruz County.

Reparations? California looters loot homes vacant because of wildfire evacuations, fire fighter’s wallet stolen account drained
Reparations? California looters loot homes vacant because of wildfire evacuations, fire fighter's wallet stolen account drained

A fire ground commander battling the CZU Lightning Complex fires had his wallet stolen and bank account drained after someone broke into his department vehicle, officials said Sunday.

During a morning news conference on the fire raging in the Santa Cruz mountains, Cal Fire Operations Chief Mark Brunton said it’s the last thing crews should have to experience while they’re battling out of control fires with limited resources.

“It’s saddening. It’s sickening. We are doing everything we can to help the community and unfortunately this happened,” Brunton said.

Elsewhere, in Santa Cruz Country (North of San Francisco), five thugs have been arrested for looting homes that have been vacated because of wildfire evacuation orders. Maybe this is considered reparations too? Because I’m sure the people in those expensive homes up in wine country had insurance or something.

Five people suspected of looting were arrested Friday in Santa Cruz County amid wildfire evacuations, officials said.

Jose Gandarilla, Susana Luna, Crystal Araujo, Sara Loretz and Crystle Parstch-Lucchesi were all arrested on suspicion of looting, grand theft, conspiracy to commit crime and burglary, the Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office said.

There were reports of looters targeting residents who were forced to leave their homes due to the fires earlier Friday afternoon.

Sheriff’s deputies patrolled neighborhoods Friday evening to observe and deter looters from the area.

The CZU Lightning Complex fires, affecting San Mateo and Santa Cruz counties, have expanded to more than 55,000 acres and are 2% contained at last
