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Black Lives Matter, AntiFA in Portland try to set failed Mayor Ted Wheeler’s apartment on fire

Ted Wheeler is a lot like Comrade De Blasio in New York. No one likes him on the right or the left. Yet he keeps getting re-elected because he’s in a cesspool deep Democrat city. Last night, Black Lives Matter and AntiFA terrorists tried to set his apartment on fire, not caring one bit by who else might be affected in the complex. The left wing anarchists did manage to break windows, burglarized a business, and lit a fire in Wheeler’s occupied apartment building. Thankfully no one was hurt as the fire was quickly put out.

Black Lives Matter, AntiFA in Portland try to set failed Mayor Ted Wheeler’s apartment on fire
Black Lives Matter, AntiFA in Portland try to set failed Mayor Ted Wheeler's apartment on fire

Police moved in late Monday night and declared a gathering of protesters outside the Northwest Portland home of Mayor Ted Wheeler a riot.

Hundreds of protesters “celebrated” the mayor’s birthday while wearing party hats, launching fireworks and marching with a large sign that read: “Resign.”

Police said the group broke windows, burglarized a business, and lit a fire in an occupied apartment building.

A garbage can was lit on fire in the middle of the street and then it turned into a party atmosphere as protesters danced to the “Macarena.” Protesters then added other pieces of furniture to the flames and started another fire in the street.