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Michigan witch dictator Gretchen Whitmer building wall around her properly to keep out BLM, AntiFA

Wow Gretchen Whitmer is a big hypocrite. First it was locking down everyone in Michigan then going to her private boat in Northern Michigan during Memorial Day. Now, after bashing Trump’s border wall, she is building a wall around her million dollar home to keep out the “undesirables.” This is likely in response to keep out Black Lives Matter and AntIFA domestic terrorists who have been showing up in the suburbs and lawmakers’ homes.

Michigan witch dictator Gretchen Whitmer building wall around her properly to keep out BLM, AntiFA
Michigan witch dictator Gretchen Whitmer building wall around her properly to keep out BLM, AntiFA

Michigan Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has repeatedly denounced President Donald Trump’s border wall, but she is getting a border barrier around her residence, says a September 4 report in the Detroit News.

The eight-foot-high fence is part of a $1.1 million security program for Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s state-owned residence in Lansing, Michigan, the newspaper reported.

Whitmer has staked out a very public position against the wall being built on America’s southern border by President Trump: