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Chanel Rion interviews Rudy Giuliani – says Hunter Biden has 150-200 photos under age girls, some pornographic

Chanel Rion was handed a hard drive of Hunter Biden’s laptop contents during an interview earlier on OAN. Giulaiani says that Hunter Bidens has between 150-200 photos of underaged girls on his laptop, and that SOME of them were of a pornographic nature. This is the Biden Crime Cartel Family in a nut shell. The photos include some relatives, with one girl that Hunter Biden seems to have a serious fetish with.

Chanel Rion interviews Rudy Giuliani – says Hunter Biden has 150-200 photos under age girls, some pornographic
Chanel Rion interviews Rudy Giuliani - says Hunter Biden has 150-200 photos under age girls, some pornographic


GIULIANI: “Here’s a little help. And the photos have been taken off, most of them — I mean, most of them are horrible, they’re pornographic and disgusting. Significant number of photos of underage girls. And the underage girls —”

RION: “This is something we looked over last week.”

GIULIANI: “And there is one — there is one girl in particular that he seems to have an obsession with. You see on the drive some of his relatives complaining that he creates unsafe environment for the kids. So here’s my question. When the FBI got this, almost a year ago, and they read this, why didn’t they react to it the way I did? The minute I saw this, I jumped out of my seat.”