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Dictator hag Gretchen Whitmer puts Michigan back in lockdown calling it “a pause”

The Michigan dictator/hag Gretchen Whitmer is putting Michigan back in COVID-19 lockdown, under the name of “a pause”. This lockdown bans in-person instruction at high schools and colleges, dine-in service at restaurants and bars, and high school athletics as well as close some businesses, including movie theaters, bowling alleys and casinos. You would think dictators like Whitmer would be happy with stealing the election, but their thirst for power is getting beyond acceptable. Unless the people of Michigan rise up against this dictator, they deserve all the hardship they face with the latest lockdown.

You voted for Dictator Whitmer in 2018. Enjoy your cold, dark, long winter Michigan!

Casinos are basically the only thing Detroit has to offer. Now all the workers will be without jobs for at least three weeks. I bet 90% voted for Whitmer/Biden too. So, oh well.

Dictator hag Gretchen Whitmer puts Michigan back in lockdown calling it “a pause”
Dictator hag Gretchen Whitmer puts Michigan back in lockdown calling it