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Fox News loses important in 25-54 Demographic ratings to CNN for Thursday, November 19th

Just how bad are things ge3tting at Faux News? On Thursday, November 19th, 2020, Foxy lost the all important 25-54 Demographic rating to none other than airport CNN. The traitor Tucker Carlson is barely ahead of Anderson Cooper who he used to routinely crush (sometimes combined between CNN and MSNBC). The Faux News exodus is real, and nothing can stop it now. There are too many traitors on Fox News now. The few good people that remain at Fox are totally outnumbered. Hannity can’t even beat Fredo Cuomo or Rachel Maddow, and Laura Ingraham can’t even beat Don Lemon. That’s how bad things have gotten, and it’s only going to get worse. Newwsmax, OANN and other conservative networks should be sending the Murdoch bastard children thank you letters.

Fox News loses important in 25-54 Demographic ratings to CNN for Thursday, November 19th
Fox News loses important in 25-54 Demographic ratings to CNN for Thursday, November 19th