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Fox News favorability have tanked among since election Biden cheerleading

Not only are Fox News ratings tanking among their formerly loyal viewers, their favorability ratings are also taking a nose dive. According to a Morning Consult, Fox News favorability ratings among Republicans or conservative viewers has his a brand new low, while their unfavorability has shot up to brand new highs. Well done Bret Baier, Chris Wallace, Martha MacCallum, Paul Ryan, Neil Cavuto and the rest of you hacks! You have killed the once top rated network.

Fox News favorability have tanked among since election Biden cheerleading
Fox News favorability have tanked among since election Biden cheerleading

Good night now Fox News. You have been replaced by Newsmax, OANN and other real conservative sources via streaming. Fox News wants to be CNN 2.0. Let them, their ratings are already headed that way.