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How low will Fox News go? Brings on terrorist supporting John Brennan to defend Iran, bash Trump and pimp book

John Brennan, the former Obama deep state pro-terrorist CIA hack usually appears on MSNBC, and occasionally CNN to bash Trump. But today under the “new” Fox News, Brennan was brought on for three reasons. 1) To defend Iran, and the murder nuclear “scientist”/terrorist. 2) Bash Trump of course. 3) Pimp a book. Thankfully, the only Fox News I watch anymore are clips on Youtube of shows I used to enjoy. I don’t watch Fox News Sunday, but saw it being discussed on social media. This is what Fox has become. As is typical, it was a softball, tongue bath interview by Chris Wallace that offered ZERO push back. I’m not even going to bother embedding the video here, as it’s too annoying. If you want to see it for yourself, check your favorite social media site, Youtube or Rumble. Be warned, it will likely spike your blood pressure.

How low will Fox News go? Brings on terrorist supporting John Brennan to defend Iran, bash Trump and pimp book
How low will Fox News go? Brings on terrorist supporting John Brennan to defend Iran, bash Trump and pimp book

This is why I’ve made the switch to Newsmax. And this is yet another example why Fox News ratings are headed for historically low ratings. They are nothing more than CNN 2.0 now. Good bye and good riddance Fox News. Maybe next week Fox/CNN can bring on James Klapper or Bruce Ohr.