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Manny Fidel – Business Insider “editor” resorts to mocking Kelly Loeffler looks

Manny Fidel, someone who is ugly as hell on the inside and out has a lot of nerve mocking Kelly Loeffler’s looks, but that’s what this left wing “Business Insider editor”. Yes, this is all they have after the fraud, mocking the looks of Loefler, which probably bodes well for both Republican Senate candidates if the machines are too rigged by Kemp. I’m not a huge fan of Loeffler, personally I think Doug Collins should have been appointed to the open Senate seat. But watching these left wing idiots, especially when they are as ugly as shit mock other’s look is a bridge too far.

Manny Fidel – Business Insider “editor” resorts to mocking Kelly Loeffler looks
Manny Fidel - Business Insider

Manny Fidel looks like some wimp that got beaten up a lot in school. I can see why. Pansy.

Things could be worse, at least Loeffler doesn’t look like Nancy Pelosi, Rosa De Lauro or any other ugly commonest Democrat female politican.