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Only these 13 Senators voted NOT to override Trump’s veto on foreign aid defense bill

Mandarin Mitch McConnell and Szechuan Schumer got what they wanted. No $2,000 stimulus checks for Americans, but billions in foreign aid for countries that hate us. They overrode Trump’s veto on the pork filled $740 billion defense bill, making sure that $25,000,000 goes to Pakistan for “gender” studies and over a billion dollars goes to Sudan. Neither Perdue, nor Loeffler voted. Only these 18 Senators, some of whom would surprise you voted against overriding Trump’s veto:

Only these 18 Senators voted NOT to override Trump’s veto on foreign aid defense bill
Only these 18 Senators voted NOT to override Trump's veto on foreign aid defense bill

Pay attention to the Republicans who voted not to override the veto and give billions to other countries. Tom Cotton? I like him, but truth be told, he is a neocon, warmonger who would gladly give these countries billions of our dollars. Braun of Indiana is the same way.

Now look at the communist Democrats who voted not to override the veto:

Spartacus Cory Booker? Comrade Sanders? Fake Injun Warren? They are running again in 2024 too.

McConnell likely also accomplished something even more significant. He likely officially lost the Georgia runoffs for January 5th, after killing stimulus then voting for this. I will be very surprised if either Perdue or Loeffler win next week. Between the corruption and fraud of Georgia’s leaders, to pissed off people, get ready for a 50/50 Senate. Can you say Senator Orsoff and Warlock?