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Wyoming Republican Party furious at warmonger Liz Cheney, ready to primary her in 2022

Warmonger Liz Cheney can kiss the rest of her political career goodbye. There are furious in Wyoming that Liz the warmonger voted to impeach Trump.

Wyoming Republican Party furious at warmonger Liz Cheney, ready to primary her in 2022
Wyoming Republican Party furious at warmonger Liz Cheney, ready to primary her in 2022

Cheney, the No. 3 Republican in the U.S. House, infuriated many Wyoming Republicans with her support for impeachment, and the state party reported that “our telephone has not stopped ringing, our email is filling up, and our website has seen more traffic than at any previous time” in response to her vote.

Feeling obligated to share publicly what voters are telling them, Wyoming GOP leaders published a “message” to Cheney sharing some of the comments they’ve received.

“The wind in Wyoming has been horrendous today — with gusts up to 65 miles per hour. That is nothing compared to the whirlwind created by Representative Cheney’s announcement that she would be voting to impeach President Trump, and her subsequent follow-through of doing just that,” the party said.

“There has not been a time during our tenure when we have seen this type of an outcry from our fellow Republicans, with the anger and frustration being palpable in the comments we have received,” the message stated. “The consensus is clear that those who are reaching out to the Party vehemently disagree with Representative Cheney’s decision and actions.”

The party leaders then shared some of the comments they’ve received:

“By announcing her decision to vote for impeachment Representative Cheney denied President Trump due process; she judged the ‘evidence’ before it was presented and refused to listen to the arguments made,” one commenter said.
“Wyoming voted for the reelection of President Trump by a margin of 70% to 30%. 195,000 Wyomingites voted for President Trump. Representative Cheney is in Washington, DC to represent Wyoming’s interest, not the interest of the beltway elites,” another declared.
“We have watched the leftists and progressives in this country riot, burn, kill, maim, loot and destroy cities and communities for 7 months, often with Democrat leaders egging them on, bailing them out and refusing to condemn their actions,” another voter said.
“Representative Cheney has aligned herself with leftists who are screaming that what happened last Wednesday is the ‘worst thing ever in our history’ (or similar such claims). That is absurd and shows their lack of knowledge of history as well as their willingness to skew the facts to further their corrupt agenda,” yet another stated.
“Wyoming’s way of life and our entire economic future is under attack. We count on our elected officials to protect us. This move to impeach President Trump shows that we have a real reason to fear what is going to happen under the Biden administration,” another voter wrote.