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Communist California Democrat Rep. Ro Khanna wants $23 minimum wage

If you thought Biden’s $15 minimum wage in his porkulis bill would kill small businesses, get read to possibly pay almost double that if you are a small business owner. With just hours to go before we officially become a socialist/communist country, Silicon Valley communist Rep. Ro Khanna wants a $23 minimum wage.

Communist California Democrat Rep. Ro Khanna wants $23 minimum wage
Communist California Democrat Rep. Ro Khanna wants $23 minimum wage

At this point, I really don’t care anymore. So many dumb people vote for these communists, including a lot of small business owners. You reap what you sow. Now it’s time to pay the price for voting for communists like Biden. I say, go for it Ro!

The communist state run media is already begging Biden to make America into California, What a better way to start than paying burger flippers $23 bucks an hour?