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Ocasio-Cortez is now claiming that “Trump supporters” planted bombs surrounded “our offices too”

Well this is a new one. Sandy Ocasio-Cortez the crazy communist bartender is making more wild claims tonight. She is accusing “Trump supporters” of planting bombs surrounding her, and other congressional members’ offices. This is a totally new claim. we heard about the pipe bomb at the RNC and DNC headquarters, but before this tweet, I hadn’t heard about “bombs surrounding” congressional offices. Anyone got any confirmation on this?

Ocasio-Cortez is now claiming that “Trump supporters” planted bombs surrounded congressional offices
Ocasio-Cortez is now claiming that

If these charges by AOC are true, about bombs being planted around congressional offices, then this brings a whole new level to the January 6th attack on the Capitol. If not, Ocasio-Cortez must be censured and apologize for lying, trying to incite unrest and for just being an idiot.