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Thanks Biden! U.S. COVID-19 deaths surpass 450,000 with over 3,000 daily

So China Joe Biden was supposed to “heal” America from political extremism, COVID-19 and everything else hurting this country. Instead, what we’ve gotten from China Joe, is division, more COVID-19 deaths and more hatred than ever. With an average of nearly 3,000 deaths per day, we have lost lost over 450,000 Americans to the Chinese virus. Under Biden’s short time in office, this country has lost a staggering nearly 50,000 people already!

Thanks Biden! U.S. COVID-19 deaths surpass 450,000 with over 3,000 daily
Thanks Biden! U.S. COVID-19 deaths surpass 450,000 with over 3,000 daily

So what has Biden done to stop the virus? Sign executive orders like a dictator to protect illegal aliens, other countries and hurt this economy. The promise of $2,000 checks? That’s changed to $1,400 and there is still no bill passed to get them out to Americans.