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“Conservative” Town Hall refers to Liz Cheney as the “future of the Republican Party”

Town Hall owns a number of conservative sites that have gone squishy ever since being bought out. Perfect examples are Twitchy and Hot Air or as Rick Perry once called them, Hot Gas. So I guess it should come as no surprise that “conservative” site Town Hall is now referring to neocon Liz Cheney as the “future of the Republican party.” That’s almost like saying Jeb Bush is the future of the Republican party. If this is true, then the Republican party has already become the Whig party. I’ve already changed my voter registration from Republican to independent since the November 3rd joke of an election. I have no plans to support Republican party in it’s current form going forward. If Liz Cheney is the future of the Republican party, then I’m voting exclusively third party from now on.

“Conservative” Town Hall refers to Liz Cheney as the “future of the Republican Party”

Then I think about Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyoming, who represents the future of the Republican Party. She was one of ten House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump. Her vote was a statement of conscience. “There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution,” Cheney wrote. And unlike Greene, she won’t be walking away from her remarks.

Purists can argue that Cheney shouldn’t have voted to impeach someone who would soon be out of office, but there was an economy in ignoring the niceties to make a statement against Trump’s egging on the mob.

To her credit, former Vice President Dick Cheney’s daughter not only refused to back down when the Trump base tried to get her kicked out of No. 3 House GOP leadership position to punish her for that vote, but also won the support of the majority of House Republicans who voted 145 to 61 to keep her in power.

For the last five years, the Trump base pounced on any Republican who dared criticize the 45th president, because no dissent was allowed. It made Trump arrogant and careless and emboldened rallygoers to embrace whatever half-truths Trump dished out.