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Oh no! Swamp Turtle Mitch McConnell may never talk to Donald Trump again!

Oh my god, this is so tragic for Donald Trump! (/sarc>). Little China Swamp Turtle Mitch McConnell, never, ever wants to talk to him again! Even after Trump for whatever reason gave his establishment hack wife a job as a cabinet secretary, McConnell is so bitter that he’s acting like a 2 year old. Think about it. Why would Trump even want to talk with turtle McConnell ever again anyway? McConnell, singlehandedly lost two Senate seats in Georgia by not scheduling a vote on a $2,000 payment to struggling Americans. Of course we found out that Democrats lied about that $2,000, but that’s on the rubes in Georgia to deal with.

It’s also rumored that McConnell threatened Trump with getting more impeachment votes if he pardoned Assange and/or Snowden.

Oh no! Swamp Turtle Mitch McConnell may never talk to Donald Trump again!
Oh no! Swamp Turtle Mitch McConnell may never talk to Donald Trump again!

Mitch McConnell is so done with Donald Trump. So much so, in fact, that he reportedly would prefer it if they never, ever spoke again. According to The Washington Post, the Senate minority leader hasn’t spoken directly with the ex-president since Dec. 14—when McConnell publicly admitted that Joe Biden beat Trump in the November election—and people close to him say “he does not plan to ever speak with him again.” Even their top aides have cut off contact with each other, the Post reports. The relationship between the two men has never been worse—on Tuesday, Trump broke his post-presidency quiet by issuing a statement calling McConnell a “dour, sullen, and unsmiling political hack.” McConnell most recently upset Trump by directly blaming the ex-president for the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, even though he voted not guilty in Trump’s impeachment trial.