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Watch Erik Wemple (leftist hack of Washington Post) – Cuomo love-a-thons a black eye for CNN

This is just too funny. Erick Wemple, a leftist hack for the Bezos Washington Post actually had the nerve the complain ON CNN that the Cuomo love-a-thons, especially with Fredo is a “black eye” for CNN. This is just too funny coming fro a hack with a newspapers who were really no different than CNN in their fawning over Cuomo. All media (print and TV, even Fox News) fawned over Cuomo’s “compassion” and “leadership” last year as a way to bash Trump. If CNN has a black eye over their love-a-thon coverage of Andrew Cuomo, then what the hell does the rest of the media and television media have? They were really no different.

Are these communists, state run media hacks so arrogant that they don’t think their treatment of Andrew Cuomo was just as bad as CNN and his brother Fredo Chris Cuomo? “Come on man!” All the media is guilty in the aiding of Cuomo, and his nursing home scandal cover up. This was known in the spring of last year, yet all the media did was praise Cuomo.