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Communist Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock deletes disgusting tweet about Easter and Jesus resurrection

Leave it to an idiot communist elected by the rubes of Georgia, like communist “Reverend” turned Senator Raphael Warnock to tweet something absolutely disgusting about Easter and Jesus’ resurrection, then be forced to delete the tweet after the backlash hit him hard. This is the now deleted tweet from Warlock:

The meaning of Easter is more transcendent than the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Whether you are Christian or not, through a commitment to helping others we are able to save ourselves.

— Reverend Raphael Warnock (@ReverendWarnock) April 4, 2021

The devil truely went down to Georgia to elect Biden, Warlock and Ossoff. Am I supposed to feel sorry for Atlanta losing the MLB All Star Game, because I don’t.. I mean, look what makes their headquarters in Georgia: Crappy Delta Airlines, Be Less White Coca-Cola and of course, CNN.

Georgia has completely Californiaed themselves.

Oh and Warnock allegedly ran over his wife too. Nicely done Georgia. You elected two Jimmy Carters on steroids to the Senate AND Joe Biden.