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Communist Bernie Sanders worried about the rise in “Islamophobia”

Hate against anyone, based on religion, skin color or sexual preference is wrong in my book. Personally, I haven’t heard of or seen a rise in Islamophobia around this country, just a rise in anti-Semitic violence as left wing terrorists continue to attack Jewish people simply for being Jews, sparked on by their support for Hamas. Communist Democrats have been rather silent until recently about the rise in anti-Semitism, but now they are grouping in the anti-Semitic attacks with Islamophobia. Check out communist filth Bernie Sanders, who himself is Jewish grouping anti-Semitic attacks against Jews with a “rise” in Islamophobia.

Wait, what rise in Islamophobia? I haven’t heard about any, and surely, if there was the media would be all over it like white on rice. STOP equating the two. There is no rise in Islamophobia in this country (and that’s actually a good thing). There is a dramatic rise in anti-Semitism and that isn’t good.