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Mentioning God, “not appropriate” speech for Elizabeth Turner valedictorian speech according to principal, Amy Goldsmith of Hillsdale High School

As the communist left continues to try and remove God from everything, comes this. In Michigan,, a high school principal named Amy Goldsmith at Hillsdale High School told Elizabeth Turner valedictorian to re-write her speech because Turner mentioned God and Jesus in the speech. Goldsmith wrote an e-mail to Turner claiming that mentioning religious aspect in her speech is “not appropriate for a speech in a school public setting.” It’s come to this, and this country continues to allow this left wing Godless crap to continue.

A Michigan public high school principal is getting called out by a legal firm after telling one of the valedictorians that mentioning her Christian faith in her graduation speech is “not appropriate.”

According to First Liberty, one section of the speech Elizabeth Turner prepared for Hillsdale High School’s graduation ceremony next Thursday noted that “for me, my future hope is found in my relationship with Christ. By trusting in him and choosing to live a life dedicated to bringing his kingdom glory, I can be confident that I am living a life with purpose and meaning. My identity is found by what God says and who I want to become is laid out in scripture.”

The legal firm said the school’s principal, Amy Goldsmith, reacted by highlighting that paragraph, along with a second, and telling Turner that “you are representing the school in the speech, not using the podium as your public forum. We need to be mindful about the inclusion of religious aspects. These are your strong beliefs, but they are not appropriate for a speech in a school public setting. I know this will frustrate you, but we have to be mindful of it.”

Who wants to bet that if the valedictorian were a Muslim and he or she mentioned Allah, no one would say a word about it?