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Ilhan Omar compares America and Israel to Hamas and the Taliban

It’s always amazing to me how communists, especially scum like Ilhan Omar show their hate for this country, yet never decide to go live somewhere they’d feel more comfortable like China, Cuba or Iran. On top of hating this country, Ilhan Omar is a refugee from Somali. If she hates this country so much that she compares it to terrorists like Hamas and the Taliban, then why the hell did she come here in the first place?

Crime against humanity you say? You may like little weasel and what he did shielding China from the COVID lab leak? You mean like what Biden and Harris are doing now allowing human traffickers to smuggling in illegal alien kids into this country? How about Obama’s drone strikes that killed hundreds, if not thousands of innocents in the Middle East. You mean crimes like that right? Your outrage is very selective.

If you want to have George W. Bush and Dick-head Cheney prosecuted for crimes against humanity, then I’m on your team, but you never mention them..

Speaking of crimes against humaninty, what about those 4,000+ rockets fired by Hamas (Iran) from Gaza into Israel. You really want to compare us AND Israel to that?