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Is Joe Biden not well?

As Biden stumbled and bumbled his way through the G7 (which should be re-named the Xi7) and NATO, it appears that Biden isn’t well and isn’t all there mentally. From the part where Boris Johnson had to corrupt Joe Biden, from calling Syria, Libya, to French Frog Macron holding Biden while they walked on the beach in Cornwall, something seems off. It appears to be getting worse for the old, sick frail Biden too.

I figured that the communists would try to boot Biden come summer time, and we are basically almost there. But one needs to ask the question, regardless if satire or real. Is Biden sick? I don’t wish anything bad on the man. I can’t stand him, but I’m not a “progressive” where I wish harm on other people. Besides, the alternative to Biden is far worse in Kamala Harris.

The president is not well. Everyone in the United States who is honest will admit to noticing it over the last year or so. But it’s especially dangerous that this is happening on the world stage, with every foreign news network of consequence paying attention. Biden has been getting lambasted in Australia, for example. Meanwhile, you can bet that Russian networks are having a field day.

This makes the U.S. look incredibly weak because the U.S. is incredibly weak right now. We have a leader who can’t perform basic duties with any consistency and policies that are making us subservient to tyrants. While domestic media outlets are cool with covering it all up, there are real-world consequences that are being paid. It’s not a good scene.