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Joe Biden was tougher with Kaitlan Collins than he was with Vladimir Putin

I generally don’t mind Biden mouthing off to hack reporters, especially, obnoxious, fake news hacks like CNN’s Kaitlan Collins. What I do have a problem with though is that Biden was tougher on Collins than we he was Putin. Biden basically gave Putin a tongue bath during the so called summit, then let Putin dominate with a post summit press conference, spouting off lies that Biden was to cowardly to challenge.

The bromance between Putin and Biden today was absolutely disgusting. I understand it though. Not only is Biden dumb and weak, but he has to protect his crackhead, racist son’s business interests in Moscow.

Also, idiot Biden give Putin a list of 16 critical infrastructure elements that are “off limits” for cyberattacks. Way to hand Putin a cheat sheet on what to target in the future you idiot. And what about everything else. Is Biden cool with Russia hacking non “off limits” elements of infrastructure?