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Ilhan Omar wants critical race theory critics to knows that you create outrage over things that aren’t actually happening

Apparently, Ilhan Omar thinks only those who want to see the end of critical race theory are just Republicans. This despite the fact parents from every political spectrum have been speaking out about this racist indoctrination from the left. According to Omar, it’s just spinning false narratives.

Meanwhile, on June 18, Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-WI) introduced legislation to ban the teaching of CRT in Washington, D.C., public schools.
“How can we expect any child to succeed in life when we teach them that the deck is stacked against them and that they will forever be held back by racist oppressors,” Grothman asked rhetorically in a statement. “The purpose of this retelling of American history is to try to set American against American. Rather than share the wonderful gift we all have, to live the American Dream if we work for it, the goal of CRT is to make Americans bitter and angry with each other.”

Omar’s denial that CRT is being taught in schools also comes after the establishment media took to attacking parents battling its implementation.
An NBC News produced a hit piece entitled “Critical Race Theory Battle Invades School Boards — with Help from Conservative Groups” with the story including a description of CRT, “the academic study of racism’s pervasive impact.”