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Ugly Maxine Waters doesn’t like the 4th of July either

Like Cori Bush, and Democrats in general, especially “The Squad”, Maxine Waters is feeling really down about America’s birthday today. Dirty Maxine Waters, who hasn’t been able to stir up any trouble lately went on a Twitter meltdown about the Fourth of July, whining the Declaration of Independence is all about white men, and was written only to enslave African-Americans or something.

Hey Maxine….. Move to China, Cuba, or Iran. I’m sure they’d take you. Imagine how powerful you’d be there, since this country is just here to “enslave” you and other African-Americans.

I used to get mad at crap like this, but now I just chuckle.. This is sadly what the communist Democrats have become. Maxine Waters has always been trash. She wouldn’t change, neither will communist Democrats.