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Texas Democrat fleebaggers begging for “federal intervention” as their political stunt begins to collapse

As the corrupt Texas state Democrats fleebaggers political stunt of fleeing the state and shacking up at an expensive hotel in Washington D.C. begins to collapse, the commnist fleebaggers are begging for “federal intervention” as they make their last stand, before the stunt officially collapses. Already the laughingstock of the country, the Texas Democrat fleebaggers are getting desperate, after spreading COVID-19 amongst themselves.

Texas state Rep. Ron Reynolds (D) is now calling for “federal intervention” with the realization the political stunt will not ultimately work.

In fact, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) has promised to keeping calling special sessions — which is his right as governor — until the Texas Legislature can finally pass the bills that Texas House Democrats have thus far blocked.

“For us it’s do or die, because Gov. Abbott is going to call another special session as early as Aug. 9,” Reynolds told HuffPost. “We hope the Senate realizes that we’re on borrowed time, so we really need federal intervention.”

The “For The People Act” is doomed to fail if brought to a vote in the Senate because Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) has said he will not support it without Republican support. Plus, questions of constitutionality surround the bill, considering the Constitution stipulates that state legislatures are responsible for aspects of elections the “For The People Act” hopes to regulate.