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Chris Wallace shills for Biden, blames Trump for Afghanistan

Fox News is the new CNN, even though CNN is actually starting to slightly lame Biden/Blinken for the epic failure that is Afghanistan. Not Chris Wallace though. Once again, he managed to find a way to whine about how this stuff in Afghanistan is all Trump’s fault, because he tried to cut a deal with the Taliban before Biden was installed.

Guess what Chrissy and Faux News… This is all on Biden and Blinken. Trump hasn’t been in office since January, didn’t pull out all the troops without a backup plan, and wouldn’t be putting up with the shenanigans the Taliban is pulling off now. Oh, also Biden is letting the Taliban take all the US Military equipment, and giving some to Iran. This is all your Joey. No amount of Chris Wallace or other media spin can change this.

Anchor Chris Wallace on this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” pressed former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on the Trump administration’s deal with the Taliban in light of the current chaotic U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Wallace said, “Critics say that for the U.S. to cut a deal with the Taliban without the Afghan government even in the room was hugely demoralizing and led inevitably to where we are today.”

Pompeo said, “Chris, that’s just simply not true. Go read the deal. Go read the conditions that were built into the deal. I was in the room. I was at the center of working to deliver that.”

Wallace continued, “I just want to ask you one more question about your record, though, sir. You were the first American secretary of state to ever meet with the Taliban, and you talked about how they had agreed to join us in the fight against terrorism.”

He added, “Do you regret giving the Taliban that legitimacy? Do you regret pressing the Afghan government to release 5,000 prisoners, which they did, some of whom are now back on the battlefield fighting with the Taliban?”