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Will Fox News again ignore tonight’s Trump speech in Alabama?

Fox News has been doing everything they can to protect the failure that is Joe Biden on Afghanistan and so many other things. I wonder if they will ignores Trump’s speech in Alabama tonight which is expected at around 8pm Eastern time, like they have done for basically any speech he’s given except the CPAC speech. You know Trump will be on fire tonight, crush Biden and Harris for their ineptness and total failure. I’m willing to guess Faux ignores it again, as a personal favor to Chris Wallace who tomorrow will undoubtedly shill for Biden tomorrow.

I know Newsmax will have the Trump speech on tonight, which is expected to be his biggest yet since being rigged out of office. OANN will have it too, as well as RSBN. C-SPAN is a question mark, as they seem to be going the route of Fox and haven’t shown the last few speeches. I’ll be watching. You should too if you have the time this Saturday night.