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Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller fired for demanding leaders be held accountable for Afghanistan terrorist attack

Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller has been fired or “relived of his post” after demanding leaders be held accountable for Afghanistan terrorist attack. While woke hacks like Tony Blinken, Lloyd Austin and Mark Milley’s hand are dripping with blood from the 13 dead Americans, they don’t get fired. But if you dare criticize King Biden, you get fired as Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller. This is beyond outrageous!

Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller of the United States Marine Corps revealed Friday afternoon that he has been relieved of duty for posting a video criticizing military leaders for failing to take responsibility for the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.

In the video, Scheller, a 17-year Marine Corps officer, said that he knew he was risking his career by speaking out, but that he wanted to explain why so many service members were frustrated, in the wake of the terror attack on U.S. forces in Kabul on Thursday.

“The reason people are so upset on social media right now is not because the Marine on the battlefield let someone down. … People are upset because their senior leaders let them down, and none of them are raising their hands and accepting accountability or saying, ‘We messed this up.’ If an O-5 battalion commander has the simplest live-fire EO complaint — boom, fired.”

He called out Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen., Mark Milley, and others.

Those statements cost him his career.