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Unvetted Afghan “refugees” leaving Fort Pickett in Ubers

Unvetted Afghan refugees brought to Fort Pickett in the place of American hostages still trapped in Afghanistan are leaving Fort Pickett in Virginia and taking Ubers to unknown destinations. Basically, these people, good or otherwise are not vetted, could be dangerous and now appear to be free to roam about the country. Who thinks this is a good idea? Joe Talibiden Biden and his stooge Tony Blinken are cool with this. This is a dire national security threat!

A Republican congressman sent a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken demanding a response to claims that Afghan evacuees ​at a US military base in Virginia are using Uber to leave the facility without being vetted, creating a significant national security threat.

Rep. Mark Green (R-Tenn.) told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham on Wednesday night that a source informed him that the Afghans have “free rein” at Fort Pickett in Virginia and that soldiers don’t have the authority to “arrest or stop” them from leaving.

​”​My source has made shocking allegations, including multiple incidents of sexual assault, and several evacuees have been picked up by Uber drivers without any permission from authorities​ ​—​ ​or being cleared to leave​,” Green wrote in the letter dated Wednesday.

“The soldiers tasked with guarding these evacuees are unarmed and have no authority to arrest or stop any of them from simply leaving​,” he said. ​

Green, an Iraq and Afghanistan war veteran, said the allegations, if true, present a dire national security risk​.