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Treason! Milley took action after Jan 6 to limit Trump from launching nuclear weapons, commanding officers after speaking to China’s Gen. Li Zuocheng

As if you needed any more proof that the current structure of US Military leaders is made up of treasonous snakes, lets go back to a couple days after the January 6th riots. General Milley, the woke joke who was probably Trump’s biggest mistake for selecting him, consoled with his counter, China’s Gen. Li Zuocheng on what to do to limit Trump’s powers in the final days of his administration. Milley took his marching orders from Gen. Li Zuochenng, limiting Trump’s ability to use nuclear weapons and also limiting his ability as commander in chief to order the police to protect the country. Basically, Milley over his TDS left this country open to a nuclear holocaust, in which Trump would never have been able to do anything about and even told the Chinese General that Trump’s ability has been reduced. If this isn’t treason, then I don’t know what is. North Korea, Iran and Pakistan have to be liking their chops after hearing this.