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These worthless 15 Senate Republican vote to keep government funded through December 2022

See if you guess which 15 “Republicans” voted with communist Democrats to keep to government funded through December of next year. There are actually one or two surprises on this list, at least to me, but otherwise it’s same same bag of big government RINO dirtbags.

Roy Blunt (Missouri)
Dick Burr (North Carolina)
Shelly Moore-Capito (West Virginia)
Bill Cassidy (Louisiana)
Susan Collins (Maine)
John Cornyn (Texas)
Lindsey Graham (South Carolina)
John Kennedy (Lousiana) <-- surprised me Moscow Mitch McConnell (Kentucky) Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) Willard Mittens Romney (Utah) <-- get rid of his niece as GOP Chair! Mike Rounds (South Dakota) John Shelby (Alabama) Thom Tillis (North Carolina) Todd Young (Indiana)

With Republicans like these, who needs communist Democrats?