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Stuart Scheller – jailed Lt. Col for criticizing Biden Afghanistan withdrawl hates Trump

Release Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller from military jail now! I totally agree with and respect Stuart Scheller for calling out Biden and the weak political military leaders for screwing up Afghanistan so badly. But there is also a bit of irony to this guy. Stuart Scheller posted on Facebook about how much he hates Trump and would never work for him, and doesn’t want his help or support. You know, to each his own. If Scheller actually believes the dimwit who threw him in jail (Biden) can “unite the country” but Trump couldn’t then that’s his opinion. I guess that also means he doesn’t want to more than $2.2 million raised by MAGA Trump supporters for his legal defense either.

The answer is not in any politician or single person, it is in “We the People” holding all politicians and government officials accountable. You don’t need to pick sides to know that Scheller’s jailing is wrong.

This is what Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller wrote on Facebook about Trump:

President Trump. I was told by everyone to kiss the ring because of your following and power. I refuse. While I respect your foreign policy positions, I hate how you divided the country. I don’t need or want your help. You do not have the ability to pull US together. You may even win the next election. But your generation’s time is running out. Tell your son to stop tweeting about me. Your whole family knows nothing about US or our sacrifices. I could never work with you. I’d rather sit in jail and be released with a dishonorable than make compromises in my beliefs.
To the people who stand with me,
I’ve had such a strong reaction to my comments against President Trump I felt a follow up clarification was required. No, President Trump didn’t divide the country. But President Trump, in my humble opinion, is incapable of bringing us back together. Did he expose the corruption in the DOJ, media, and other places… yes. Was he the right person to expose the corruption at that time… maybe. Is he honest, accountable, and full of integrity… no. Would I want to work for a leader like that… no. I want a leader that will bring US together. Someone who has the courage to defend our country when called. My sons deserve that type of leader running the country in the future. That type of person is the only leader who I want in my corner. I respect all opinions. I’m not asking you to agree with me, but to at least consider my perspective. Much love.

Personally, I don’t care what Scheller’s reasons are for hating Trump and not writing a word about Biden in his Facebook rants. He shouldn’t be Biden’s political prisoner regardless. This isn’t communist China, at least yet.