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Diana Smay Toebbe Facebook is loaded with left wing trash

Diana Smay Toebbe Facebook page is loaded with left wing, anti-Trump, pro-BLM Marxist crap as you would expect. She and her husband were arrested over the weekend for allegedly selling military secrets to a foreign government, which one we don’t know.

Diana Smay Toebbe Facebook has all the traitorous left wing communist crap you could think of. Rabid Trump hatred, as if she was processed or something, pro Black Lives Matter Marxists, etc. Even her profile picture was once against Trump.

Diana Smay Toebbe and her husband conjure memories of the Rosenbergs in the 1950’s, selling secrets to the enemy. The arrest record doesn’t mention which country the Toebbe family allegedly sold military secrets to, but if I had to guess, it’s most likely China.

Her Black Lives Matter Facebook profile picture went up at the height of the 2020 BLM riots across the country:

Diana Smay Toebbe was also a big RBG supporter:

And according to the left and media, she flashed a “white supremacist” hand signal too (just kidding of course):

Yep, it’s the Rosenbergs all over again. History repeats itself. The Toebbes are the Rosenbergs, radical leftists according to Facebook page and Joe Biden is Jimmy Carter on steroids.

I’m sure surprised Zuckerberg hasn’t scrubbed this page yet.