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ABC and DCCC gaslight, claim Jacob Blake is dead (he’s not)

The media and communist Democrats really want something bad to happen after today’s acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse. It’s so bad that both ABC and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee put out lies today after the Rittenhouse acquittal, claiming that Jacob Blake, the man who whom the riots started was killed. This is of course not true, Jacob Blake is alive and even did an interview with ABC, Good Morning America, just this past week! Good Morning America is an ABC morning propaganda program.

Here is ABC Terry MORON calling Jacob Blake, a black man killed by police after today’s jury verdicts. This pure lies and gaslighting:

Fuck off Terry Moron and ABC!

Also, fuck you DCCC:

They just continue to lie, gaslight and try to instigate crap. It’s gotten beyond old at this point, it’s down right corruption. ABC and the DCCC need to lose sponsors over this BS!