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Joe Biden has spent 27.3% of his presidency on vacation

Old man Joe Biden doesn’t like to work. That’s why he’s been in government for the last 50 years. I used to think Obama took a lot of vacations when he was president. Turns out that Obama was an armature compared to corrupt old Joe. So far, after not even one year in office, Biden has spent at least 27.3% of his presidency on vacation. Unlike Obama, Biden doesn’t have press conferences because his handlers know whatever is left of his brain can’t handle it.

There’s a reason why Trump labeled him Sleepy Joe Biden. This is a perfect example why.

As of Tuesday, Old Joe Biden has been the ostensible president of the United States for 348 days. During 95 of those unhappy 348, however, the pretend president wasn’t even trying to keep up the pretense; instead, he was on vacation. That means that for a whopping 27.3% of his presidency, or whatever it is, Old Joe has been even more absent than he usually is.

According to the National Pulse, Biden had been the alleged president for only two and a half weeks before he first retreated back to familiar ground in Delaware. And while Donald Trump was lambasted by the media (which hated everything he did and hated it even more when he did nothing) every time he took any time off at all, Kay Smythe of the Pulse reports that Biden’s “trips back and forth to his home state for ‘personal time’ have been celebrated by the far-left media. They congratulate the 79-year-old for chasing his dogs around but at least he’s not playing golf.”

By October 2021, Old Joe had fled the sycophantic media and Potemkin press conferences for the more welcoming climes of Delaware no fewer than 25 times. Nor were these working vacations: Smythe reports that “only on one vacation did he take time away from relaxing to do his job, when he visited Dover Air Force Base for the homecoming of the 11 service members killed in a suicide bomb attack in Kabul, Afghanistan.” Those service members were killed due to the catastrophic bungling by Biden’s handlers of the withdrawal from Afghanistan: “The service members were murdered in the terror attack during Biden’s failed exit from Afghanistan.” Even then, the faux president could hardly be bothered and clearly was itching to get back to Matlock: “Biden was mostly noted for repeatedly checking his watch that day, for when he could leave.”

The problem with Biden’s incessant vacationing is not that he isn’t on the job. It is by no means clear that he is on the job when he is in Washington. Biden has more than once made it clear that he isn’t the person in charge. On Dec. 21, he told a press conference: “I’m not supposed to be having this press conference right now.”