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One of Joe Rogan’s best ironies: Letting America know Neil Young and Joni Mitchell are still around

There are many ironies and funny things that Joe Rogan has caused with this washed up hippie musician meltdown and Spotify. One of the more ironic things might be is letting America know what both washed up geezer, Neil (not so Young) and Joni Mitchell are still alive and whining. Neither of the two have been relevant since the 1960’s or maybe the early 70’s. So these losers were so easy to forget. Rogan’s domination of Spotify shows that washed up 60’s and 70’s hippies who used to be all about freedom of speech have completely flipped and lost their shit.

For this article, I’m going to channel my inner Joe Biden and tap into the magical, mystical powers of my mind to pull off something to start with, so please bear with me.

You know, one of those homespun stories meant to impart wisdom, like that time Biden was arrested for protesting for civil rights to look brave (never happened) or something that a grandparent told him growing up to help him get through some issue we all have later in life. Biden is FAMOUS for these quotes from his Dad or Mom, grandparents, or aliens from space that once abducted him — and he uses them to fill a gap in his mind, and the story he is telling, and it is absolutely precious.

Who can forget that “Cornpop” is a bad dude and hung out at a pool?

Love that story.

So, here I go.

Both of my grandfathers told me when I was just a toddler that, one day, I would find a way to use this nugget of wisdom to look for the greater good in something, and to find that silver lining. I never believed it would happen, but here we are in 2022, and I’m finding out through the Joe Rogan and Spotify story that Neil Young and Joni Mitchell are still converting oxygen into carbon.

For some odd reason, I thought they stopped being oxygen thieves years ago.

Now, the reason I did not realize they were still around to collect royalty checks was that I used their albums as Frisbees during my rare breaks back in my time fighting the Contras on the faraway shores of Antarctica. We had lots of albums to choose from, and we only chose the ones that we would not listen to — because they attracted mating penguins and made them suicidal. Our selections were few of course, and the discs that drove the penguins bonkers were Young and Mitchell. Possibly that Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young experiment, but it was a long time ago and my memory has faded.