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NBC refused to air ad critical of China’s human rights abuses

NBC stands for a lot of things. Nothing But Crap, Nobody But Communists, etc. But maybe most accurate is Nobody But China. NBA is shielding communist China and Xi from any negative press as they completely fawned over the communist country during the opening ceremonies. Now it turns out that they even refused to ran an ad critical of China’s many human rights abuses and criticism US businesses for bowing the China. NBC of course being one of them.

A Republican congressman from Florida claims that NBC refused to air an ad criticizing China during the 2022 Genocide Games in Beijing.

Mike Waltz (R, FL), a former Green Beret and well-known critic of China, purchased the ad titled “Genocide Games” through his campaign. The 30-second, $40,000 spot calls out China’s long history of human rights abuses and slams U.S. businesses for doing business with the communist country.

Waltz also took aim at the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for allowing a notorious human rights abuser like China to host the Games.