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Willard Mitt Romney calls Tulsi Gabbard “treasonous”

Have you noticed lately how the bar for “treason” or being “treasonous” has dropped so rapidly in recent years? We’ve gone from Benedict Arnold to calling people “treasonous” for exposing the truth about the deep state. This what what Tulsi Gabbard posted earlier that completely triggered WIllard Mitt Romney:

Are there 25+ US funded biolabs in the Ukraine that are playing around with dangerous pathogens? We’ll never know the truth because the pathetic media will never try and find out the answer to this question. There are bio labs in Ukraine, playing around with dangerous pathogens. The World Health Organization warned about this and Russia getting control of these labs just a few days ago. So it’s not a lie about bio labs. The question as to who is funding them is I guess at question, though we’ve already seen documents showing the US funding these bio labs, starting with Obama.

Que Willard Mittens Romney, the carpetbagger from Utah to call Gabbard “treasonous” and spewing Russian talking points. Guess what Willard. It’s not a conspiracy theory or “Russian talking points”, it’s fact there are bio-labs in the Ukraine playing around with dangerous pathogens.

While I’m not a fan of Democrat Gabbard, who campaigned for Bernie Sanders, she’s still done more for this country than a Romney scum ever has. Romney was a draft dodger during Vietnam, while Gabbard served in Iraq.

Romney scum is a misogynist.

Oh and BTW, his pig niece Rona McRomney needs to be fired as head of the GOP.