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Biden approval ratings at 32% in left wing Civiqs poll (only 35% in Delaware)

It’s hard to tell what’s falling faster theses days. Joe Biden off his bike, or Joe Biden’s approval ratings. According to the latest (left wing biased) Civiqs poll, Joe Biden’s approval rating has hit a record low of 32%. No other first term president hasn’t ever seen their numbers this low just a year and a half into office. Biden’s approval ratings are in the toilet in even the bluest of states like California and New York. Only two states, Vermont and Hawaii give Biden a positive approval rating.

His lowest is just 18% approval in three states: North Dakota, West Virginia and Wyoming.

These are historically low numbers. I guess Joey had to shower inappropriately with his daughter on Father’s Day..

The only other time I’ve seen numbers this low was towards the end of the George W. Bush regime.