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WTF is going on with Washington CD03? Percentage of vote counted drops from 96% to 80.6%

Some more weird stuff is happening in the ballot counting up in Washington state. As Joe Kent closes to within 250 votes or so of Trump impeacher RINO Jaime Herrera Beutler. That’s good giving Kent a chance to take out another RINO traitor. But something else happened while you slept on Sunday. The vote count in Washington Distract 3 (a safe Republican district) went from about 96% down to 80.6%. WTF is going on here?

Something fishy is going on, AGAIN. The establishment RINOs put in a hack candidate named Heidi St. John to try and leech votes away from Kent and protect Herrera-Beutler. It’s worked so far, but the race has tightened even with the phony St. John candidate.

Pay close attention to this primary race… The fact that it’s still not complete almost a week later shows yet again Democrats and RINO Republicans working together to steal votes!