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Eric Trump says they will release video surveillance footage of FBI thugs

Eric Trump says that the video surveillance footage of FBI thugs rummaging through Melania’s closet and the rest of Mar-a-Lago (when the time is right). The DOJ and FBI better hope they didn’t do anything illegal on video or they will be exposed.

The FBI continues to flail after its raid on Mar-a-Lago, ostensibly under the guise of protecting government records. On Monday evening, we learned that the bureau had leaked falsehoods about not seizing the former president’s passports. That contention was disproven after Donald Trump dropped an email proving they did so and were now offering to return them.

Over the last week, we’ve gone from DOJ claims of a justified, precise police action to the revelation that the warrant was basically a free-for-all, allowing the seizure of essentially anything. That’s led a lot of people, including myself, to speculate that the FBI agents were actually looking for materials related to January 6th.

What appears abundantly clear is that the raid was politically motivated and carried out in a way that ignored all precedent. I know I’m a broken record at this point, but one look at how Hillary Clinton was treated in comparison is all the evidence you need.

Now, Eric Trump is claiming to have a silver bullet from the raid: The surveillance footage.

The DOJ subpoenaed the footage almost immediately, with government leaks appearing in the press claiming that they showed Trump’s associates moving boxes in and out of the storage room. What is that supposed to prove? The answer is nothing, but it certainly sounds sinister, right? And that’s really all that matters here, i.e. pushing the orange man bad narrative.

So does Trump have the surveillance footage, and is he waiting for “the right time” to release it? Here’s where I get skeptical. Anyone who has read my work long enough knows I’m a natural cynic, specifically when it comes to politics. And while I’m all for Trump exposing the partisan hacks in the government, I’m not much for the neverending teases at this point.