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US Treasury refuses to turn over Hunter Biden financial information unless requested by Democrats

Tell me again how the corrupt government isn’t protecting Hunter Biden’s corrupt ass. The US Treasury Department is refusing to hand over Hunter Biden financial information, unless the request is made by communist Democrats. You know damn well that will never happen, so basically the Treasury Department and Janet Yellin are protecting Hunter Biden’s ass.’

Must be nice to have the entire corrupt US government protecting your corruption. The Biden Crime Family makes the Clinton Crime Cartel look like amateurs.

The United States Treasury will not hand over Hunter Biden’s financial information to Republican lawmakers as it claims the request must come through a committee with Democratic approval.

Republican lawmakers have been seeking information concerning “suspicious activity reports” on President Joe Biden’s son but the Treasury’s decision to require the request to go through a Democrat-controlled committee makes it virtually impossible.

These suspicious activity reports include large cash transactions or transfers above $5,000, Reuters reported. Such reports could indicate fraud or money laundering or they could also be legal.