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House Democrats may give Joe Manchin the shaft on his West Virginia pipeline deal

Faux “moderate” Joe Manchin went along with the communist Democrat plan for the Green New Deal (masked as the Inflation Reduction Act) and 87,000 new IRS armed IRS agents in order to get a pipeline in his home state of pipeline deal. Now it looks like House Democrats are going to kill the permitting of this pipeline, giving Manchin nothing more than just being a part of these absolutely joke of a bill. I actually have to admire House Democrats for screwing over Manchin the phony. Good on you people!

Manchin is a phony and a fraud and deserves this.

It’s not clear what all the aspects of the permitting deal are yet but in addition to moving the Pipeline along, it would require reviews for proposed energy projects (to not have things be perpetually stalled) and it would require more leasing auctions for drilling on federal land.

So the question may be how the Republicans vote on this and some like Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) are saying they wouldn’t vote for the funding stopgap bill because they believe Manchin tricked them into voting for the bill on semiconductors without saying he was going to vote for even more spending with the IRA. “I will not vote for a resolution that is part of a political payback scheme,” Graham has said.

Meanwhile, the funding bill also has flood relief that might make it hard for the Kentucky senators to vote against it. It also includes another $11.7 billion for Ukraine as well as $3.9 billion for vaccines and treatment for monkeypox. So if Democrats don’t vote for the bill, they’d be voting against aid for Ukraine and vaccines which would be highly ironic.